2024-05-10 22:55:38 -04:00

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Obligato web3 liquidity demo

This demo shows end-to-end integration with Obligato for web3 liquidity (i.e. a native ERC20 token).

This demo is expected to run on a single machine that has SGX.

It depends on wasmd (version v0.44.0). Follow the instructions here to install, but checkout version v0.44.0.

Create obligations and tenders on Obligato

Make sure tenders have backing funds.

Start blockchain

# cd bisenzone-cw-mvp


Build contract


Listen to events (for debugging)

websocat ws://
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "subscribe", "params": ["tm.event='Tx'"], "id": 1 }

Init enclave

Setup and build

Generate the private key and build the binary that will run in the enclave:

# cd tee-mtcs/enclaves/quartz


CARGO_TARGET_DIR=./target cargo build --release

The built binary is a grpc server that hosts the (currently built-in) mtcs application.

Update enclave trusted hash

Now we need to get the trusted hash to initialize the enclave. Running tm-prover with wrong trusted-hash should print the correct one.

# cd tee-mtcs/utils/tm-prover

rm light-client-proof.json
cargo run -- --chain-id testing \
--primary "" \
--witnesses "" \
--trusted-height 1 \
--trusted-hash "5237772462A41C0296ED688A0327B8A60DF310F08997AD760EB74A70D0176C27" \
--contract-address "wasm14hj2tavq8fpesdwxxcu44rty3hh90vhujrvcmstl4zr3txmfvw9s0phg4d" \
--storage-key "quartz_session" \
--trace-file light-client-proof.json &> output
cat output | grep found | head -1 | awk '{print $NF}' | sed 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m//g' > trusted.hash
export TRUSTED_HASH=$(cat trusted.hash)

Note we dump the output of the command into the output file, which we then parse to get the trusted hash, strip of any extra chars, and finally save into the trusted.hash file (we'll use this again laster). We also save it to an env var.

Start enclave

Update the quartz-manifest.template with the correct ("found") hash from the previous command:

# cd tee-mtcs/enclaves/quartz

sed -i -r "s/(\"--trusted-hash\", \")[A-Z0-9]+(\"])/\1$TRUSTED_HASH\2/" quartz.manifest.template

That will overwrite the template file in place, inserting the new hash in place of the old one.

Now we can start the enclave:

# cd tee-mtcs/enclaves/quartz

gramine-manifest  \
-Dlog_level="error"  \
-Dhome=${HOME}  \
-Darch_libdir="/lib/$(gcc -dumpmachine)"  \
-Dra_type="epid" \
-Dra_client_spid="51CAF5A48B450D624AEFE3286D314894" \
-Dra_client_linkable=1 \
-Dquartz_dir="$(pwd)"  \
quartz.manifest.template quartz.manifest

gramine-sgx-sign --manifest quartz.manifest --output quartz.manifest.sgx
gramine-sgx ./quartz

Send initiate request

Now with the binary running in the enclave, we can run commands in another window.

First, let's instantiate:

# cd tee-mtcs/utils/quartz-relayer

export INSTANTIATE_MSG=$(./scripts/ Instantiate)

Note we save the output into an env variable.

Deploy contract

We can now deploy the contract. The deploy script will read from $INSTANTIATE_MSG and use the attestation to create the contract.

# cd bisenzone-cw-mvp

./scripts/ artifacts/cw_tee_mtcs.wasm &> output

export CONTRACT=$(cat output | grep Address | awk '{print $NF}' | sed 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m//g')

Note again we save the output to a file, and then parse the file to get the contract address, which we save in an env var.

Create session

Now we can initialize a session on the enclave, which will generate a nonce to use:

# cd tee-mtcs/utils/quartz-relayer

export EXECUTE=$(./scripts/ SessionCreate)

And we can execute the session creation on the contract:

wasmd tx wasm execute "$CONTRACT" "$EXECUTE" --from alice --chain-id testing -y

Set session pk

Now let's generate a light client proof that the contract has created the session:

# cd tee-mtcs/utils/tm-prover

rm light-client-proof.json
export TRUSTED_HASH=$(cat trusted.hash)
cargo run -- --chain-id testing \
--primary "" \
--witnesses "" \
--trusted-height 1 \
--trusted-hash $TRUSTED_HASH \
--contract-address $CONTRACT \
--storage-key "quartz_session" \
--trace-file light-client-proof.json

And store the proof in an env var:

export POP=$(cat light-client-proof.json)
export POP_MSG=$(jq -nc --arg message "$POP" '$ARGS.named')

Now we can relay this proof to the enclave, so it can attest to the pubkey:

# cd tee-mtcs/utils/quartz-relayer

export EXECUTE=$(./scripts/ SessionSetPubKey "$POP_MSG")

And send the attestation back to the contract:

wasmd tx wasm execute "$CONTRACT" "$EXECUTE" --from alice --chain-id testing -y

Check for session success

Wait a few seconds for the tx to commit, and then fetch the nonce and pubkey data:

export NONCE_AND_KEY=$(wasmd query wasm contract-state raw "$CONTRACT" $(printf '%s' "quartz_session" | hexdump -ve '/1 "%02X"') -o json | jq -r .data | base64 -d)
# Note if you see an empty pubkey, wait a few seconds and rerun the above wasmd query command
# {"nonce":"d3283ed5d646298c27f5ef1726c42bf4853ed7f3d30c905fd3607ecc56903db4","pub_key":"02e4d8bc80d032ad610e4643c3da4235076b4d24335cc4c77592562bdcd62ce1d0"}

export PUBKEY=$(echo $NONCE_AND_KEY  | jq -r .pub_key)

Sync obligations

Now with the pubkey in hand, we can fetch the obligations from Obligato and encrypt them:

# cd tee-mtcs/utils/cycles-sync

cargo run -- --keys-file keys.json \
            --obligation-user-map-file o_map.json \
            --user "alice" \
            --contract $CONTRACT \
            sync-obligations \
            --epoch-pk $PUBKEY

export OBLIGATIONS=$(wasmd query wasm contract-state raw "$CONTRACT" $(printf '%s' "1/obligations" | hexdump -ve '/1 "%02X"') -o json | jq -r .data | base64 -d)

Init clearing

Create a clearing cycle on Obligato (required to be able to upload setoffs to Obligato) and initiate clearing on the blockchain.

wasmd tx wasm execute $CONTRACT '"init_clearing"' --from alice --chain-id testing -y

Run clearing on enclave

With the encrypted obligations in hand, and clearing run initiated on chain, we can run clearing on the enclave:

# cd tee-mtcs/enclaves/quartz

export REQUEST_MSG=$(jq -nc --arg message "$OBLIGATIONS" '$ARGS.named')

export SETOFFS=$(grpcurl -plaintext -import-path ../../enclaves/quartz/proto/ -proto mtcs.proto -d "$REQUEST_MSG" '' mtcs.Clearing/Run | jq -c '.message | fromjson')

Submit setoffs

export EXECUTE=$(jq -nc --argjson submit_setoffs "$SETOFFS" '$ARGS.named')
wasmd tx wasm execute "$CONTRACT" "$EXECUTE" --from alice --chain-id testing -y --gas 2000000

wasmd query wasm contract-state raw "$CONTRACT" $(printf '%s' "1/setoffs" | hexdump -ve '/1 "%02X"') -o json | jq -r .data | base64 -d

Verify CW20 balances

TODO: replace addresses

wasmd query wasm contract-state smart "$CONTRACT" '{"balance": {"address": "wasm1gjg72awjl7jvtmq4kjqp3al9p6crstpar8wgn5"}}'
wasmd query wasm contract-state smart "$CONTRACT" '{"balance": {"address": "wasm1tawlwmllmnwm950a7uttqlyne3k4774rsnuw6e"}}'

Sync setoffs

# cd tee-mtcs/utils/cycles-sync

cargo run -- --keys-file keys.json \
            --obligation-user-map-file o_map.json \
            --user "alice" \
            --contract $CONTRACT \