# Obligato web3 liquidity demo This demo shows end-to-end integration with Obligato for web3 liquidity (i.e. a native ERC20 token). This demo is expected to run on a single machine that has SGX. It depends on `wasmd` (version v0.44.0). Follow the instructions [here](https://docs.cosmwasm.com/docs/getting-started/installation/#wasmd) to install, but checkout version `v0.44.0`. ## Create obligations and tenders on Obligato Make sure tenders have backing funds. ## Start blockchain ``` # cd bisenzone-cw-mvp ./scripts/keygen.sh ./scripts/init-node.sh ./scripts/run-node.sh ``` ## Build contract ``` ./scripts/build-contract.sh ``` ## Listen to events (for debugging) ``` websocat ws:// { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "subscribe", "params": ["tm.event='Tx'"], "id": 1 } ``` ## Init enclave ### Setup and build Generate the private key and build the binary that will run in the enclave: ``` # cd tee-mtcs/enclaves/quartz gramine-sgx-gen-private-key CARGO_TARGET_DIR=./target cargo build --release ``` The built binary is a grpc server that hosts the (currently built-in) mtcs application. ### Update enclave trusted hash Now we need to get the trusted hash to initialize the enclave. Running tm-prover with wrong trusted-hash should print the correct one. ``` # cd tee-mtcs/utils/tm-prover rm light-client-proof.json cargo run -- --chain-id testing \ --primary "" \ --witnesses "" \ --trusted-height 1 \ --trusted-hash "5237772462A41C0296ED688A0327B8A60DF310F08997AD760EB74A70D0176C27" \ --contract-address "wasm14hj2tavq8fpesdwxxcu44rty3hh90vhujrvcmstl4zr3txmfvw9s0phg4d" \ --storage-key "quartz_session" \ --trace-file light-client-proof.json &> output cat output | grep found | head -1 | awk '{print $NF}' | sed 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m//g' > trusted.hash export TRUSTED_HASH=$(cat trusted.hash) ``` Note we dump the output of the command into the `output` file, which we then parse to get the trusted hash, strip of any extra chars, and finally save into the `trusted.hash` file (we'll use this again laster). We also save it to an env var. ### Start enclave Update the `quartz-manifest.template` with the correct ("found") hash from the previous command: ``` # cd tee-mtcs/enclaves/quartz sed -i -r "s/(\"--trusted-hash\", \")[A-Z0-9]+(\"])/\1$TRUSTED_HASH\2/" quartz.manifest.template ``` That will overwrite the template file in place, inserting the new hash in place of the old one. Now we can start the enclave: ``` # cd tee-mtcs/enclaves/quartz gramine-manifest \ -Dlog_level="error" \ -Dhome=${HOME} \ -Darch_libdir="/lib/$(gcc -dumpmachine)" \ -Dra_type="epid" \ -Dra_client_spid="51CAF5A48B450D624AEFE3286D314894" \ -Dra_client_linkable=1 \ -Dquartz_dir="$(pwd)" \ quartz.manifest.template quartz.manifest gramine-sgx-sign --manifest quartz.manifest --output quartz.manifest.sgx gramine-sgx ./quartz ``` ## Send initiate request Now with the binary running in the enclave, we can run commands in another window. First, let's instantiate: ``` # cd tee-mtcs/utils/quartz-relayer export INSTANTIATE_MSG=$(./scripts/relay.sh Instantiate) ``` Note we save the output into an env variable. ## Deploy contract We can now deploy the contract. The deploy script will read from $INSTANTIATE_MSG and use the attestation to create the contract. ``` # cd bisenzone-cw-mvp ./scripts/deploy-contract.sh artifacts/cw_tee_mtcs.wasm &> output export CONTRACT=$(cat output | grep Address | awk '{print $NF}' | sed 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m//g') ``` Note again we save the output to a file, and then parse the file to get the contract address, which we save in an env var. ## Create session Now we can initialize a session on the enclave, which will generate a nonce to use: ``` # cd tee-mtcs/utils/quartz-relayer export EXECUTE=$(./scripts/relay.sh SessionCreate) ``` And we can execute the session creation on the contract: ``` wasmd tx wasm execute "$CONTRACT" "$EXECUTE" --from alice --chain-id testing -y ``` ## Set session pk Now let's generate a light client proof that the contract has created the session: ``` # cd tee-mtcs/utils/tm-prover rm light-client-proof.json export TRUSTED_HASH=$(cat trusted.hash) cargo run -- --chain-id testing \ --primary "" \ --witnesses "" \ --trusted-height 1 \ --trusted-hash $TRUSTED_HASH \ --contract-address $CONTRACT \ --storage-key "quartz_session" \ --trace-file light-client-proof.json ``` And store the proof in an env var: ``` export POP=$(cat light-client-proof.json) export POP_MSG=$(jq -nc --arg message "$POP" '$ARGS.named') ``` Now we can relay this proof to the enclave, so it can attest to the pubkey: ``` # cd tee-mtcs/utils/quartz-relayer export EXECUTE=$(./scripts/relay.sh SessionSetPubKey "$POP_MSG") ``` And send the attestation back to the contract: ``` wasmd tx wasm execute "$CONTRACT" "$EXECUTE" --from alice --chain-id testing -y ``` ## Check for session success Wait a few seconds for the tx to commit, and then fetch the nonce and pubkey data: ``` export NONCE_AND_KEY=$(wasmd query wasm contract-state raw "$CONTRACT" $(printf '%s' "quartz_session" | hexdump -ve '/1 "%02X"') -o json | jq -r .data | base64 -d) echo $NONCE_AND_KEY # Note if you see an empty pubkey, wait a few seconds and rerun the above wasmd query command # {"nonce":"d3283ed5d646298c27f5ef1726c42bf4853ed7f3d30c905fd3607ecc56903db4","pub_key":"02e4d8bc80d032ad610e4643c3da4235076b4d24335cc4c77592562bdcd62ce1d0"} export PUBKEY=$(echo $NONCE_AND_KEY | jq -r .pub_key) ``` ## Sync obligations Now with the pubkey in hand, we can fetch the obligations from Obligato and encrypt them: ``` # cd tee-mtcs/utils/cycles-sync cargo run -- --keys-file keys.json \ --obligation-user-map-file o_map.json \ --user "alice" \ --contract $CONTRACT \ sync-obligations \ --epoch-pk $PUBKEY export OBLIGATIONS=$(wasmd query wasm contract-state raw "$CONTRACT" $(printf '%s' "1/obligations" | hexdump -ve '/1 "%02X"') -o json | jq -r .data | base64 -d) ``` ## Init clearing Create a clearing cycle on Obligato (required to be able to upload setoffs to Obligato) and initiate clearing on the blockchain. ``` wasmd tx wasm execute $CONTRACT '"init_clearing"' --from alice --chain-id testing -y ``` ## Run clearing on enclave With the encrypted obligations in hand, and clearing run initiated on chain, we can run clearing on the enclave: ``` # cd tee-mtcs/enclaves/quartz export REQUEST_MSG=$(jq -nc --arg message "$OBLIGATIONS" '$ARGS.named') export SETOFFS=$(grpcurl -plaintext -import-path ../../enclaves/quartz/proto/ -proto mtcs.proto -d "$REQUEST_MSG" '' mtcs.Clearing/Run | jq -c '.message | fromjson') ``` ## Submit setoffs ``` export EXECUTE=$(jq -nc --argjson submit_setoffs "$SETOFFS" '$ARGS.named') wasmd tx wasm execute "$CONTRACT" "$EXECUTE" --from alice --chain-id testing -y --gas 2000000 wasmd query wasm contract-state raw "$CONTRACT" $(printf '%s' "1/setoffs" | hexdump -ve '/1 "%02X"') -o json | jq -r .data | base64 -d ``` ## Verify CW20 balances TODO: replace addresses ``` wasmd query wasm contract-state smart "$CONTRACT" '{"balance": {"address": "wasm1gjg72awjl7jvtmq4kjqp3al9p6crstpar8wgn5"}}' wasmd query wasm contract-state smart "$CONTRACT" '{"balance": {"address": "wasm1tawlwmllmnwm950a7uttqlyne3k4774rsnuw6e"}}' ``` ## Sync setoffs ``` # cd tee-mtcs/utils/cycles-sync cargo run -- --keys-file keys.json \ --obligation-user-map-file o_map.json \ --user "alice" \ --contract $CONTRACT \ sync-set-offs ```