Move utils/quartz-proto to core/quartz-proto Fix Cargo.toml paths Add default working-directory for cosmwasm CI jobs Fix default working-directory Rename .cargo/config -> config.toml Update working-directory Update cosmwasm workflows Update rust.yml paths Add aliases to cargo config.toml Test working-directory Update cosmwasm CI jobs Use --manifest-path Use dtolnay/rust-toolchain action Fix workflow Remove --locked SSH agent SSH agent for schema Remove unused SSH key Exclude cw-tee-mtcs from rust CI jobs Clippy fix cargo fmt Add Update
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A Rust implementation of the cycles protocol and the Quartz app framework.
This repository contains the following components -
Quartz applications, each consisting of CosmWasm smart contracts, Gramine based sidecar enclaves and accompanying ZK proofs.
Currently implemented apps -
- MTCS - The default app which implements Multilateral Trade Credit Set-off.
The Quartz core implementation including -
- Core handlers and types for Quartz
- Intel SGX remote attestation (RA) primitives
- Light client and merkle proofs for CosmWasm storage
CosmWasm packages
CosmWasm packages for the core Quartz framework and remote attestation verification.
Utilities for supporting Quartz development and -
- cw-prover - Retrieve a merkle-proof for CosmWasm state
- cycles-sync - Sync obligations and setoffs with Obligato
- mtcs-intent - CLI for keygen, encrypting/decrypting obligations/setoffs, etc.
- tm-prover - Generate light client and merkle proofs for CosmWasm storage in a format that Quartz understands
If you're interested in contributing, please comment on a relevant issue (if there is one) or open a new one! See