Co-authored-by: Dave Kaj <> Co-authored-by: Ethan Buchman <>
19 KiB
Quartz: Getting Started Guide
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Quick Start
- Simple Example
- Installation
- Local Testnet without SGX
- Real Testnet with SGX
- Other Testnets with SGX
- Troubleshooting and FAQ
- Glossary
This guide will help you get up and running with an example Quartz application. You can run this locally using a "mock" enclave (without real privacy or attestations), or you can use a machine with Intel SGX enabled for secure execution.
: This guide assumes familiarity with blockchain concepts and basic smart contract development.
Quick Start
For those who want to get started quickly with the example Transfers app with mock SGX:
- Install dependencies (Rust, wasmd or neutrond)
- Clone the repository:
git clone ssh://
- Install Quartz CLI:
cargo install --path crates/cli
- Navigate to the example app:
cd examples/transfers
- Deploy the example app in one command (enclave, contracts, secure handshake):
quartz --mock-sgx dev \ --unsafe-trust-latest \ --contract-manifest "examples/transfers/contracts/Cargo.toml" \ --init-msg '{"denom":"ucosm"}'
- Set up the frontend (see Frontend)
For more detailed background and instructions, read on.
Simple Example
Quartz includes a simple example we call the Transfer
located in /examples/transfers, that comes with a Keplr-based
frontend. It's a simple demo app designed to showcase very basic use of the Quartz framework.
It allows users to deposit funds into a contract,
transfer them privately within the contract's encrypted state (updated by the
enclave),and ultimately withdraw whatever balance they have left or have accumulated.
Every application has a common structure:
- Frontend: The user interface (eg. Next.js, cosmjs / graz)
- Contracts: The backend application as a CosmWasm smart contract
- Enclave: Code that executes off-chain and privately in an enclave
Quartz is both a library (quartz-contract-core
) for building SGX-aware CosmWasm
contracts, and a cli tool (quartz
) for managing the enclave.
The library takes care of establishing a secure connection to the enclave (see How it Works, and verifying attestations from it. The quartz tool provides commands for managing the enclave.
This guide is primarily about using the quartz
tool to get the example app
setup. For more on building application, see
- Building Apps - conceptual overview
- quartz-contract-core - main library. provides msgs and handlers for the handshake and for verifying attestations
- transfers contracts: transfer app example itself
Onwards with the installation and running our example app!
Quartz is built in Rust (+wasm32 target). It expects to interact with a CosmWasm compatible
blockchain (eg. wasmd
or neutrond
), built in Go (or run with Docker). And it requires npm
building the frontend. Here we cover how to install Rust, Quartz, and CosmWasm
blockchains. You're responsible for installing Go and NPM.
- Git
- Make
- Go or Docker
Install Rust
The minimum Rust supported version is v1.74.1. The recommended Rust version v1.79.0 since we're running against wasmd v0.45.
Install rust here.
Check the version with cargo version
Add the wasm32 target:
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
And you should be good to go!
Install Quartz
Now clone and build the repo:
git clone ssh://
cd cycles-quartz
cargo install --path crates/cli
And check that it worked:
quartz --help
Install a CosmWasm Client
For the local testnet, we use wasmd
For the real testnet, we use neutrond
We quickest start, we provide docker images for both.
You can also use an existing installation if you have, or you can build from source in Go. If so, you'll have to setup accounts that can pay gas. See wasmd setup instructions
The docker images come with everything. To use them install and setup docker.
Then for wasmd`:
cd docker/wasmd
make run
Or for neutrond
cd docker/neutron
make start-docker-container
If will pre-configure a few keys (admin, alice, etc.) and allocate funds to them.
The default sending account for quartz txs is admin
If building from source, you'll need to initialize the accounts yourself. See the guide on setting up a CosmWasm chain and then return back here.
Local Testnet Without SGX
From the root of the cycles-quartz
repo, we can now deploy our example
transfers app. Deployment involves three components:
- the enclave
- the smart contract
- the front end
We can deploy the enclave and contract all at once using the quartz dev
convenience command (like in the quick start), but here we'll
show the individual commands.
First we build and run the enclave code.
Quartz provides a --mock-sgx
flag so we can deploy locally for testing and
development purposes without needing access to an SGX core.
We can run everything from within the examples/transfers
dir in this repo. To run
from elsewhere by specify a path, eg. from the root of the repo with --app-dir examples/transfers
Now, from examples/transfers
Build the enclave binary:
quartz --mock-sgx enclave build
Start the enclave:
quartz --mock-sgx enclave start
The enclave is a long running process. You'll have to open another window to continue.
Build the contract binary:
quartz --mock-sgx contract build --contract-manifest "contracts/Cargo.toml"
Deploy the contract:
quartz --mock-sgx contract deploy \ --contract-manifest "examples/transfers/contracts/Cargo.toml" \ --init-msg '{"denom":"ucosm"}'
Note our contract takes initialization data in the --init-msg
which for
the transfers app specifies the asset denom that can be used in this deployment. The
transfers app is currently single asset only.
If successful, it will print the resulting contract address. Save it to an environment variable:
- Perform the handshake:
quartz --mock-sgx handshake --contract $CONTRACT_ADDRESS
This will setup a secure connection between the contract and the enclave.
If successful, it should output a pubkey value. We'll need both the contract address and this pubkey value to configure the frontend. Save this to an environment variable:
Now the contract is ready to start processing requests to the enclave.
Navigate to the frontend folder:
cd examples/transfers/frontend
Install dependencies:
npm ci
Set up environment variables:
cp .env.example .env.local
Now open .env.local
and edit the values of
to be the contract address and pubkey from the previous step (deploying the
contract and doing the handshake).
- Finally, start the frontend:
npm run dev
Use the App
Open your browser to localhost:3000
to see the app.
You'll need to have the Keplr wallet browser extension installed and unlocked.
You may have to go to "Manage Chain Visibility" in Keplr settings to add the My Testing Chain
so you can talk to your local chain and see your balance.
Create a new address in Keplr for testing purpose. You'll need to send this
address some funds from the admin
account setup with your local node. For
instance, send 10M ucosm with:
wasmd tx bank send admin <KEPLR ADDRESS> 10000000ucosm --chain-id testing
You should now see the funds on your local testnet on Keplr.
Now you can interact with the app by depositing funds, privately transfering them to other addresses, and finally withdrawing them.
Be sure to check the enclave window to see the logs from your interaction with the app!
Real Testnet with SGX
Now that we've tried the example app on a local tesnet with a mocked SGX, it's time to use a real testnet and a real SGX core. This guide will walk through how to get setup with SGX on Azure, and how to deploy quartz contracts to the Neutron testnet using real remote attestions from SGX cores on Azure.
Real verification of SGX on a CosmWasm network requires two additional global contracts
to be deployed: quartz-dcap-verify
and quartz-tcbinfo
. The
contract provides the core verification of the SGX attestation
(called DCAP). The quartz-tcbinfo
contract contains global information about secure
versions of SGX processors. Together they allow contracts built with quartz to
securely verify remote attestations from SGX enclaves.
We have already predeployed the quartz-dcap-verify
and quartz-tcbinfo
contracts on the Neutron
testnet at TODO. To deploy these on your own testnet, see below.
To begin, you'll need to deploy an SGX-enabled Azure instance and log in via ssh.
Once logged in, clone and install Quartz like before (see installation.
Build and Deploy the Contracts
- make this about deploying to neutron.
- do it from examples/transfers to avoid specifying
To build both the contract binaries, use the build command:
quartz --app-dir "examples/transfers/" contract build --contract-manifest "examples/transfers/contracts/Cargo.toml"
This command will compile the smart contract to WebAssembly and build the contract binary.
The following configuration assumes that the wasmd
node will be running in the same Azure instance as the enclave.
If you wish to use another enclave provider you have to make sure that QUARTZ_NODE_URL
is set to the enclave address and port as an argument as in:
QUARTZ_NODE_URL= && quartz --app-dir "examples/transfers/" contract deploy --contract-manifest "examples/transfers/contracts/Cargo.toml" --init-msg '{"denom":"ucosm"}'
If you wish to use another blockchain you have to make sure that --node-url
is set to the chain address and port as an option in the cli
as in:
QUARTZ_NODE_URL= && quartz --app-dir "examples/transfers/" --node-url "" contract deploy --contract-manifest "examples/transfers/contracts/Cargo.toml" --init-msg '{"denom":"ucosm"}'
Build and Run the SGX Enclave
First we build the enclave like before:
# Configure the enclave
quartz --app-dir "examples/transfers/" enclave build
Before starting the enclave, we should check that the relevant contracts
, quartz-dcap-verifier
) have been instantiated.
TODO: how to query to check this?
TODO: use variables for the contract addresses
# Start the enclave
QUARTZ_NODE_URL= && quartz --app-dir "examples/transfers/" enclave start --fmspc "00606A000000" --tcbinfo-contract "wasm1pk6xe9hr5wgvl5lcd6wp62236t5p600v9g7nfcsjkf6guvta2s5s7353wa" --dcap-verifier-contract "wasm107cq7x4qmm7mepkuxarcazas23037g4q9u72urzyqu7r4saq3l6srcykw2"
The enclave will start running and wait for commands.
Deploying the Contract
With the enclave running, open a new terminal window to deploy the contract:
QUARTZ_NODE_URL= && quartz --app-dir "examples/transfers/" contract deploy --contract-manifest "examples/transfers/contracts/Cargo.toml" --init-msg '{"denom":"ucosm"}'
Make note of the deployed contract address, as you'll need it for the next step. You should see output similar to:
2024-09-26T15:21:39.036639Z INFO 🆔 Code ID: 66
2024-09-26T15:21:39.036640Z INFO 📌 Contract Address: wasm1z0az3d9j9s3rjmaukxc58t8hdydu8v0d59wy9p6slce66mwnzjusy76vdq
Performing the Handshake + activating listener
To establish communication between the contract and the enclave, perform the handshake:
quartz --app-dir "examples/transfers/" handshake --contract <CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
with the address you received when deploying the contract.
Make note of the handshake generate public key, as you'll need it for the .env.local
files on the front-end. You should see output similar to:
2024-09-24T11:12:16.961641Z INFO Handshake complete: 02360955ff74750f6ea0b539f41cce89451f591e4c835d0a5406e6effa96dd169d
Events coming from the contract will be logged following the handshake as they are retrieved by the listener:
2024-09-24T11:12:25.156779Z INFO Enclave is listening for requests...
Other Testnets With SGX
To setup on another testnet we need to deploy a quartz-tcbinfo
contract and a
Get the FMSPC of the host machine
export QUOTE="/* quote generated during the handshake should work */"
cd crates/utils/print-fmspc/
cargo run > /dev/null
Deploying the quartz-tcbinfo
- Build and store the contract on-chain
cargo run -- contract build --contract-manifest "../cosmwasm/packages/tcbinfo/Cargo.toml"
RES=$(wasmd tx wasm store ./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/tcbinfo.wasm --from alice -y --output json --chain-id "testing" --gas-prices 0.0025ucosm --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3)
TX_HASH=$(echo $RES | jq -r '.["txhash"]')
- Instantiate the contract using Intel's root CA cert.
CERT=$(sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\\n/g' ../cosmwasm/packages/quartz-tee-ra/data/root_ca.pem)
RES=$(wasmd query tx "$TX_HASH" --output json)
CODE_ID=$(echo $RES | jq -r '.logs[0].events[1].attributes[1].value')
wasmd tx wasm instantiate "$CODE_ID" "{\"root_cert\": \"$CERT\"}" --from "alice" --label "tcbinfo" --chain-id "testing" --gas-prices 0.0025ucosm --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -y --no-admin --output json
TCB_CONTRACT=$(wasmd query wasm list-contract-by-code "$CODE_ID" --output json | jq -r '.contracts[0]')
- Get the Tcbinfo for the given FMSPC.
HEADERS=$(wget -q -S -O - 2>&1 >/dev/null)
TCB_INFO=$(wget -q -O -
export TCB_ISSUER_CERT=$(echo "$HEADERS" |
grep 'TCB-Info-Issuer-Chain:' |
sed 's/.*TCB-Info-Issuer-Chain: //' |
sed 's/%0A/\n/g' |
sed 's/%20/ /g' |
sed 's/-----BEGIN%20CERTIFICATE-----/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/' |
sed 's/-----END%20CERTIFICATE-----/-----END CERTIFICATE-----/' |
perl -MURI::Escape -ne 'print uri_unescape($_)' |
awk '/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/{flag=1; print; next} /-----END CERTIFICATE-----/{print; flag=0; exit} flag')
TCB_ISSUER_CERT=$(echo "$TCB_ISSUER_CERT" | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\\n/g')
echo "TCB_INFO:"
echo "$TCB_INFO"
- Add the Tcbinfo for the given FMSPC to the contract (and test it with a query)
wasmd tx wasm execute "$TCB_CONTRACT" "{\"tcb_info\": $(echo "$TCB_INFO" | jq -Rs .), \"certificate\": \"$TCB_ISSUER_CERT\"}" --from admin --chain-id testing --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.2 -y
wasmd query wasm contract-state smart "$TCB_CONTRACT" '{"get_tcb_info": {"fmspc": "00606A000000"}}'
Deploying the quartz-dcap-verifier
- Build the contract
cargo run -- contract build --contract-manifest "../cosmwasm/packages/quartz-dcap-verifier/Cargo.toml"
- Optimize the contract
In order to optimize the contract, you need to install
v.119. See the HOWTO section below for installation instructions.
wasm-opt -Oz ./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/quartz_dcap_verifier.wasm -o ./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/quartz_dcap_verifier.optimized.wasm
- Store the optimized contract on-chain
RES=$(wasmd tx wasm store ./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/quartz_dcap_verifier.optimized.wasm --from admin -y --output json --chain-id "testing" --gas-prices 0.0025ucosm --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3)
TX_HASH=$(echo $RES | jq -r '.["txhash"]')
RES=$(wasmd query tx "$TX_HASH" --output json)
CODE_ID=$(echo $RES | jq -r '.logs[0].events[1].attributes[1].value')
- Instantiate the
wasmd tx wasm instantiate "$CODE_ID" null --from "admin" --label "dcap-verifier" --chain-id "testing" --gas-prices 0.0025ucosm --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -y --no-admin --output json
DCAP_CONTRACT=$(wasmd query wasm list-contract-by-code "$CODE_ID" --output json | jq -r '.contracts[0]')
Quartz setup
quartz --app-dir "../examples/transfers/" \
--contract-manifest "../examples/transfers/contracts/Cargo.toml" \
--unsafe-trust-latest \
--init-msg '{"denom":"ucosm"}' \
dev \
--fmspc "00606A000000" \
--tcbinfo-contract "$TCB_CONTRACT" \
--dcap-verifier-contract "$DCAP_CONTRACT"
HOWTO Install wasm-opt
To install wasm-opt
version 119 on an Azure SGX machine running Ubuntu, follow these steps:
- Update and install dependencies:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y build-essential cmake git
- Download and build
version 119:
git clone
cd binaryen
git checkout version_119
- Build the project:
cmake . && make
- Install
sudo make install
- Verify the installation:
wasm-opt --version
This should return something like:
wasm-opt version_119
Troubleshooting and FAQ
Q: The enclave fails to start. What should I do? A: Ensure all dependencies are correctly installed and that you're using the correct version of each tool.
Q: I'm getting a "contract not found" error during handshake. How do I fix this? A: Double-check that you're using the correct contract address from the deployment step.
Q: The frontend isn't connecting to the blockchain. What's wrong? A: Verify that your
file has the correct contract address and public key.
For more issues, please refer to our GitHub issues page or community forums.
- Enclave: A protected area of execution in memory.
- SGX (Software Guard Extensions): Intel's technology for hardware-based isolation and memory encryption.
- FMSPC: Flexible Memory Sharing Protocol Component.
- TCB: Trusted Computing Base.
- DCAP: Data Center Attestation Primitives.
- Wasmd: Go implementation of a Cosmos SDK-based blockchain with WebAssembly smart contracts.
- Neutron: A CosmWasm-enabled blockchain built with the Cosmos SDK.