Dave 05163c3eba
Update docs with Azure SGX & cleanup other docs (#254)
Co-authored-by: Dave Kaj <>
Co-authored-by: Ubuntu <>
Co-authored-by: hu55a1n1 <>
2024-10-16 13:56:54 -04:00

5 KiB

Deploying tcbinfo and dcap verifier on a chain

We have deployed the dcap-verifier-contract and tcbinfo-contract on neutrons public testnet. If you need to setup your own testnet, or use another testnet, you can use this guide. However in v0.1, we recommend sticking to the contracts we deployed. Remember to set the QUARTZ_NODE_URL env var to your testnet.

Get the FMSPC of the host machine

export QUOTE="/* quote generated during the handshake should work */"
cd crates/utils/print-fmspc/
cargo run > /dev/null

Deploying the quartz-tcbinfo contract

  1. Build and store the contract on-chain
cargo run -- contract build --contract-manifest "../cosmwasm/packages/tcbinfo/Cargo.toml"
RES=$(wasmd tx wasm store ./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/tcbinfo.wasm --from alice -y --output json --chain-id "testing" --gas-prices 0.0025ucosm --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3)
TX_HASH=$(echo $RES | jq -r '.["txhash"]')
  1. Instantiate the contract using Intel's root CA cert.
CERT=$(sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\\n/g' ../cosmwasm/packages/quartz-tee-ra/data/root_ca.pem)
RES=$(wasmd query tx "$TX_HASH" --output json)
CODE_ID=$(echo $RES | jq -r '.logs[0].events[1].attributes[1].value')
wasmd tx wasm instantiate "$CODE_ID" "{\"root_cert\": \"$CERT\"}" --from "alice" --label "tcbinfo" --chain-id "testing" --gas-prices 0.0025ucosm --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -y --no-admin --output json	
TCB_CONTRACT=$(wasmd query wasm list-contract-by-code "$CODE_ID" --output json | jq -r '.contracts[0]')
  1. Get the Tcbinfo for the given FMSPC.
HEADERS=$(wget -q -S -O - 2>&1 >/dev/null)
TCB_INFO=$(wget -q -O -
export TCB_ISSUER_CERT=$(echo "$HEADERS" | 
        grep 'TCB-Info-Issuer-Chain:' | 
        sed 's/.*TCB-Info-Issuer-Chain: //' | 
        sed 's/%0A/\n/g' | 
        sed 's/%20/ /g' | 
        sed 's/-----BEGIN%20CERTIFICATE-----/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/' | 
        sed 's/-----END%20CERTIFICATE-----/-----END CERTIFICATE-----/' | 
        perl -MURI::Escape -ne 'print uri_unescape($_)' | 
        awk '/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/{flag=1; print; next} /-----END CERTIFICATE-----/{print; flag=0; exit} flag')

TCB_ISSUER_CERT=$(echo "$TCB_ISSUER_CERT" | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\\n/g')
echo "TCB_INFO:"
echo "$TCB_INFO"
  1. Add the Tcbinfo for the given FMSPC to the contract (and test it with a query)
wasmd tx wasm execute "$TCB_CONTRACT" "{\"tcb_info\": $(echo "$TCB_INFO" | jq -Rs .), \"certificate\": \"$TCB_ISSUER_CERT\"}" --from admin --chain-id testing --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.2 -y 
wasmd query wasm contract-state smart "$TCB_CONTRACT" '{"get_tcb_info": {"fmspc": "00606A000000"}}'

Deploying the quartz-dcap-verifier contract

  1. Build the contract
cargo run -- contract build --contract-manifest "../cosmwasm/packages/quartz-dcap-verifier/Cargo.toml"
  1. Optimize the contract In order to optimize the contract, you need to install wasm-opt v.119. See the HOWTO section below for installation instructions.
wasm-opt -Oz ./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/quartz_dcap_verifier.wasm -o ./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/quartz_dcap_verifier.optimized.wasm
  1. Store the optimized contract on-chain
RES=$(wasmd tx wasm store ./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/quartz_dcap_verifier.optimized.wasm --from admin -y --output json --chain-id "testing" --gas-prices 0.0025ucosm --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3)
TX_HASH=$(echo $RES | jq -r '.["txhash"]')
RES=$(wasmd query tx "$TX_HASH" --output json)
CODE_ID=$(echo $RES | jq -r '.logs[0].events[1].attributes[1].value')
  1. Instantiate the quartz-dcap-verifier contract.
wasmd tx wasm instantiate "$CODE_ID" null --from "admin" --label "dcap-verifier" --chain-id "testing" --gas-prices 0.0025ucosm --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -y --no-admin --output json
DCAP_CONTRACT=$(wasmd query wasm list-contract-by-code "$CODE_ID" --output json | jq -r '.contracts[0]')

Quartz setup

quartz --app-dir "../examples/transfers/" \
    --contract-manifest "../examples/transfers/contracts/Cargo.toml" \
    --unsafe-trust-latest \
    --init-msg '{"denom":"ucosm"}' \
     dev \
    --fmspc "00606A000000" \
    --tcbinfo-contract "$TCB_CONTRACT" \
    --dcap-verifier-contract "$DCAP_CONTRACT"

How To Install wasm-opt

To install wasm-opt version 119 on an Azure SGX machine running Ubuntu, follow these steps:

  1. Update and install dependencies:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y build-essential cmake git
  1. Download and build wasm-opt version 119:
git clone
cd binaryen
git checkout version_119
  1. Build the project:
cmake . && make
  1. Install wasm-opt:
sudo make install
  1. Verify the installation:
wasm-opt --version

This should return something like:

wasm-opt version_119