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# Transfers
This is a simple Quartz demo app. It allows users to deposit funds to a contract, transfer them around privately within the contract's encrypted state,
and withdraw whatever funds they have.
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## Setup
### Install Rust
We only have this working so far with rust v1.76.0 since we're running against wasmd v0.44.
Install rust by executing a script from the internet (😅):
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
You may want to exit and start a new terminal session to get the rust toolchain on your path.
Now downgrade rust to v1.76.0:
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rustup install 1.76.0
rustup default 1.76.0
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Check the version with `cargo version` .
Finally add the wasm target:
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
And you should be good to go!
### Install Other Tools
You need a few other Go based tools. You should already have go.
First add the `~/go/bin` to your path by adding this line to the end of your `~/.bashrc` :
export PATH="${PATH}:${HOME}/go/bin"
Then `source ~/.bashrc` . Now we can install some stuff.
You need grpcurl:
go install github.com/fullstorydev/grpcurl/cmd/grpcurl@latest
You need wasmd v0.44.0:
git clone https://github.com/cosmwasm/wasmd/
cd wasmd
git checkout v0.44.0
go install ./cmd/wasmd
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Check that both work by running `grpcurl` and `wasmd` .
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Finally, you neeed `websocat` :
cargo install websocat
### Fetch the Repo
While the repos are private you will need an ssh key registered on github in order to fetch them. Run `ssh-keygen` and just follow the defaults. On Github, go to Settings -> SSH and GPG Keys -> New SSH Key. Run `cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub` on the machine and copy and paste the result into Github.
This key will now have full access to your github account so its a good idea to remove it when you're done and re-add everytime you need to push/pull the repo.
Now clone the repo:
git clone ssh://git@github.com/informalsystems/cycles-quartz
cd cycles-quartz
### Setup Wasmd Accounts
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Run `wasmd init <your name> --chain-id testing` to initialize the local wasmd folder.
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Now open the file `~/.wasmd/config/client.toml` and change the field `keyring-backend` from `os` to `test` :
keyring-backend = "test"
Now, finally, we can create a local admin key for your wasmd. You'll use this to deploy contracts:
wasmd keys add admin
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This should output a wasm address.
Now either you will setup a local testnet or use an existing testnet. If its an existing testnet, you need to fund this account. Send this address to someone who has access to the admin account for your testnet. If you have access yourself you can send funds yourself:
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wasmd tx bank send < sender key name > < recipient address > < amount ucosm > --chain-id testing -y
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If you're setting up your own local testnet, continue with the following:
# generate a second key for the validator
wasmd keys add validator
# fund both accounts in genesis
wasmd genesis add-genesis-account admin 100000000000stake,100000000000ucosm
wasmd genesis add-genesis-account validator 100000000000stake,100000000000ucosm
# sign genesis tx from validator and compose genesis
wasmd genesis gentx validator 100000000stake --chain-id testing
wasmd genesis collect-gentxs
Before finally starting the node, for it to work with the front end, you need to configure CORS.
In `~/.wasmd/config/config.toml` , you'll need to make sure the listen address binds to the public IP ( and the CORS allows all origins:
laddr = "tcp://"
cors_allowed_origins = ["*"]
And in `~/.wasmd/config/app.toml` :
enable = true
address = "tcp://"
enabled-unsafe-cors = true
Now, finally:
wasmd start
And you should have a chain making blocks!
You can also reduce the block time by lowering `timeout_commit` in `~/.wasmd/config/config.toml` .
Now that you have the chain running, you can start running the enclave and proxy in other windows.
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## Run
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First set the `NODE_URL` variable to the address of the blockchain node. If it's a local node, set it to `localhost:26657` . If it's a remote node, set it to that node's address (eg. `export NODE_URL=` ).
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The `scripts` dir contains some bash scripts to help run the app.
These scripts should be replaced by a new `quartz` tool. See [issue ](https://github.com/informalsystems/cycles-quartz/issues/61 ).
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Note: to build/run on a non-SGX machine you must set the `MOCK_SGX` env var for all bash scripts below
# 1st Terminal
$ export MOCK_SGX=1
$ bash scripts/build.sh
$ bash scripts/start.sh
# 2nd Terminal
$ export MOCK_SGX=1
$ bash scripts/deploy.sh
$ ...
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### Build the Binaries
Build the enclave binary and the smart contract binary:
bash scripts/build.sh
### Configure and Run Gramine
Setup and sign the Gramine config, and then start the gramine process, which will run the
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grpc server that hosts the transfer application. The quartz port defaults to `11090` , but you can set it deliberately with
`export QUARTZ_PORT=XXXXX` . It is best to set it everytime, since if 2 people are sshing into the same machine to use
the secure enclave, this could create undesired env conditions where your app is talking to the wrong enclave.
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bash scripts/start.sh
The enclave binary is now running, waiting for commands.
### Contract Setup
With the enclave running in one window, open another window to deploy the contract and start the listener.
In the new window, set the NODE_URL env variable again (eg. `export NODE_URL=` )
Now we can deploy the contract:
bash scripts/deploy.sh
Note the deployed contract address and save it into the `CONTRACT` env variable.
Now run the quartz handshake between contract and enclave:
bash scripts/handshake.sh $CONTRACT
This should output the pubkey and nonce.
### Run the Listener
Finally, we're ready to listen to events from the contract and trigger execution on the enclave:
bash scripts/listen.sh $CONTRACT
Now we can interact with the contract, and we'll see the events and contract data come through.
### Run the Frontend
Now on your own machine, checkout the https://github.com/informalsystems/cycles-hackathon-app.
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Copy the `.env.example` file to `.env.local` :
cp .env.example .env.local
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and set the relevant fields. You should have the contract address and TEE pubkey from the output of the `deploy.sh` and `handshake.sh` scripts, respectfully. The chain id is probably `testing` and the IP address for the URLs is probably `` .
Modify accordingly. For example:
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Install and run the app:
npm install -f
npm run dev
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You can now open the app in http://localhost:3000/.
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Make sure you have Keplr installed in your browser and you should now be able to use the app!
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You may have to go to "Manage Chain Visibility" in Keplr settings to add the `My Testing Chain` so you can see your balance.
You will also need to fund any keplr account by sending funds from the CLI using your `admin` account.
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Then you should be able to deposit, transfer, and withdraw using different Keplr accounts. And everything will get processed automatically by the transfer.sh script we have running on the enclave host!
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