This is a simple Quartz demo app. It allows users to deposit funds to a contract, transfer them around privately within the contract's encrypted state,
We only have this working so far with rust v1.76.0 since we're running against wasmd v0.44.
Install rust by executing a script from the internet (😅):
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
You may want to exit and start a new terminal session to get the rust toolchain on your path.
Now downgrade rust to v1.76.0:
rustup install v1.76.0
rustup default v1.76.0
Check the version with `cargo version`.
Finally add the wasm target:
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
And you should be good to go!
### Install Other Tools
You need a few other Go based tools. You should already have go.
First add the `~/go/bin` to your path by adding this line to the end of your `~/.bashrc`:
export PATH="${PATH}:${HOME}/go/bin"
Then `source ~/.bashrc`. Now we can install some stuff.
You need grpcurl:
go install
You need wasmd v0.44.0:
git clone
cd wasmd
git checkout v0.44.0
go install ./cmd/wasmd
Check that both work by running `grpccurl` and `wasmd`.
Finally, you neeed `websocat`:
cargo install websocat
### Fetch the Repo
While the repos are private you will need an ssh key registered on github in order to fetch them. Run `ssh-keygen` and just follow the defaults. On Github, go to Settings -> SSH and GPG Keys -> New SSH Key. Run `cat ~/.ssh/` on the machine and copy and paste the result into Github.
This key will now have full access to your github account so its a good idea to remove it when you're done and re-add everytime you need to push/pull the repo.
First set the `NODE_URL` variable to the address of the blockchain node. If it's a local node, set it to `localhost:26657`. If it's a remote node, set it to that node's address (eg. `export NODE_URL=`).
and set the relevant fields. You should have the contract address and TEE pubkey from the output of the `` and `` scripts, respectfully. The chain id is probably `testing` and the IP address for the URLs is probably ``.
Then you should be able to deposit, transfer, and withdraw using different Keplr accounts. And everything will get processed automatically by the script we have running on the enclave host!