hu55a1n1 be68105ec5 repo reorg
Move utils/quartz-proto to core/quartz-proto

Fix Cargo.toml paths

Add default working-directory for cosmwasm CI jobs

Fix default working-directory

Rename .cargo/config -> config.toml

Update working-directory

Update cosmwasm workflows

Update rust.yml paths

Add aliases to cargo config.toml

Test working-directory

Update cosmwasm CI jobs

Use --manifest-path

Use dtolnay/rust-toolchain action

Fix workflow

Remove --locked

SSH agent

SSH agent for schema

Remove unused SSH key

Exclude cw-tee-mtcs from rust CI jobs

Clippy fix

cargo fmt


2024-05-21 03:26:41 -07:00

27 lines
824 B
Executable file

# Initialize a wasmd node that can host the MVP CosmWasm smart contract.
# Also creates a validator account and adds default genesis accounts with sufficient tokens for testing (stake and fees)
set -euo pipefail
ADMIN=${ADMIN:-$(wasmd keys show -a admin)}
ALICE=${ALICE:-$(wasmd keys show -a alice)}
BOB=${BOB:-$(wasmd keys show -a bob)}
CHARLIE=${CHARLIE:-$(wasmd keys show -a charlie)}
echo "Remove old docker volume (if it exists)..."
docker volume rm -f wasmd_data
echo ""
echo "Setup wasmd (with validator and default genesis accounts)..."
docker run --rm -it \
--mount type=volume,source=wasmd_data,target=/root \
--name wasmd \
cosmwasm/wasmd:v0.44.0 \
/bin/sh -c "sed -i 's/1000000000/12000000000000/g' /opt/;
/opt/ "$ADMIN" "$ALICE" "$BOB" "$CHARLIE";" \