#!/bin/bash set -eo pipefail # Color definitions RED='\033[0;31m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' YELLOW='\033[1;33m' BLUE='\033[0;34m' MAGENTA='\033[0;35m' CYAN='\033[0;36m' BOLD='\033[1m' NC='\033[0m' # No Color # Function to print colored and formatted messages print_message() { local color=$1 local message=$2 echo -e "${color}${BOLD}${message}${NC}" } # Function to print section headers print_header() { local message=$1 echo -e "\n${MAGENTA}${BOLD}======== $message ========${NC}\n" } # Function to print success messages print_success() { local message=$1 echo -e "${GREEN}${BOLD}✅ $message${NC}" } # Function to print error messages print_error() { local message=$1 echo -e "${RED}${BOLD}❌ Error: $message${NC}" exit 1 } # Function to print waiting messages print_waiting() { local message=$1 echo -e "${YELLOW}${BOLD}⏳ $message${NC}" } # Function to update and display progress update_progress() { local step=$1 local total_steps=$2 local percentage=$((step * 100 / total_steps)) print_message $BLUE "Progress: [$percentage%] Step $step of $total_steps" } # Set up variables ROOT=${ROOT:-$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)} WASMD_HOME=${WASMD_HOME:-"$HOME/.neutrond"} USER_ADDR=$(neutrond keys show -a "val1" --keyring-backend test --home "$WASMD_HOME" --keyring-dir "$WASMD_HOME") if [ -z "$USER_ADDR" ]; then print_error "User address not found. Please ensure the key exists in the keyring." fi WASM_BIN="$1" INSTANTIATE_MSG="$2" NODE_URL=${NODE_URL:-} LABEL=${LABEL:-quartz-transfers-app} COUNT=${COUNT:-0} QUARTZ_PORT="${QUARTZ_PORT:-11090}" CHAIN_ID=${CHAIN_ID:-test-1} TXFLAG="--chain-id ${CHAIN_ID} --gas-prices 0.0025untrn --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 --keyring-dir "$WASMD_HOME" --keyring-backend "test" " CMD="neutrond --node http://$NODE_URL" TOTAL_STEPS=7 CURRENT_STEP=0 update_progress $((++CURRENT_STEP)) $TOTAL_STEPS print_header "Deploying WASM Contract" print_message $CYAN "Contract: ${WASM_BIN}" print_message $CYAN "Chain ID: ${CHAIN_ID}" print_message $CYAN "User Address: ${USER_ADDR}" print_message $CYAN "Command: $CMD" print_message $BLUE "Storing WASM contract..." RES=$($CMD tx wasm store "$WASM_BIN" --from "$USER_ADDR" $TXFLAG -y --output json ) TX_HASH=$(echo "$RES" | jq -r '.txhash') print_message $CYAN "Transaction hash: $TX_HASH" print_waiting "Waiting for transaction to be included in a block..." ATTEMPTS=0 MAX_ATTEMPTS=30 while [ $ATTEMPTS -lt $MAX_ATTEMPTS ]; do TX_RESULT=$($CMD query tx "$TX_HASH" --output json 2>/dev/null || echo '{"code": 1}') TX_CODE=$(echo "$TX_RESULT" | jq -r '.code // .tx_result.code // 1') if [[ $TX_CODE == "0" ]]; then print_success "Transaction processed successfully." break elif [[ $TX_CODE != "1" ]]; then print_error "Error processing transaction. Code: $TX_CODE" fi print_waiting "Transaction not yet processed. Waiting... (Attempt $((ATTEMPTS+1))/$MAX_ATTEMPTS)" sleep 2 ATTEMPTS=$((ATTEMPTS+1)) done if [ $ATTEMPTS -eq $MAX_ATTEMPTS ]; then print_error "Failed to retrieve transaction after $MAX_ATTEMPTS attempts." fi print_message $BLUE "Extracting CODE_ID..." CODE_ID=$(echo "$TX_RESULT" | jq -r '.events[] | select(.type=="store_code") | .attributes[] | select(.key=="code_id") | .value') print_message $CYAN "Extracted CODE_ID: $CODE_ID" if [[ -z "$CODE_ID" || "$CODE_ID" == "null" ]]; then print_error "Failed to extract CODE_ID." fi update_progress $((++CURRENT_STEP)) $TOTAL_STEPS print_header "Instantiating Contract" print_message $CYAN "Label: ${LABEL}" print_message $CYAN "Code ID: ${CODE_ID}" INSTANTIATE_MSG_PARSED=$(echo "$INSTANTIATE_MSG" | jq -r '.') INSTANTIATE_MSG_ONELINE=$(echo "$INSTANTIATE_MSG_PARSED" | jq '{quartz: .} + {denom: "untrn"}' ) # Print the instantiate message for debugging echo "Instantiate message: $INSTANTIATE_MSG_ONELINE" INSTANTIATE_CMD="$CMD tx wasm instantiate $CODE_ID '$INSTANTIATE_MSG_ONELINE' --from "$USER_ADDR" $TXFLAG --label $LABEL -y --no-admin --output json" print_message $BLUE "Executing instantiate command..." RES=$(eval "$INSTANTIATE_CMD") TX_HASH=$(echo "$RES" | jq -r '.txhash') print_waiting "Waiting for instantiate transaction to be processed..." ATTEMPTS=0 while [ $ATTEMPTS -lt $MAX_ATTEMPTS ]; do TX_RESULT=$($CMD query tx "$TX_HASH" --output json 2>/dev/null || echo '{"code": 1}') TX_CODE=$(echo "$TX_RESULT" | jq -r '.code // .tx_result.code // 1') if [[ $TX_CODE == "0" ]]; then print_success "Instantiate transaction processed successfully." break elif [[ $TX_CODE != "1" ]]; then print_error "Error processing instantiate transaction. Code: $TX_CODE" fi print_waiting "Instantiate transaction not yet processed. Waiting... (Attempt $((ATTEMPTS+1))/$MAX_ATTEMPTS)" sleep 2 ATTEMPTS=$((ATTEMPTS+1)) done if [ $ATTEMPTS -eq $MAX_ATTEMPTS ]; then print_error "Failed to retrieve instantiate transaction after $MAX_ATTEMPTS attempts." fi print_message $BLUE "Querying for instantiated contract..." RES=$($CMD query wasm list-contract-by-code "$CODE_ID" --output json) CONTRACT=$(echo "$RES" | jq -r '.contracts[0]') if [[ -z "$CONTRACT" || "$CONTRACT" == "null" ]]; then print_error "Failed to retrieve contract address." fi print_message $CYAN "CONTRACT: $CONTRACT" cd $ROOT/relayer update_progress $((++CURRENT_STEP)) $TOTAL_STEPS print_header "Executing SessionCreate on Enclave" export EXECUTE_CREATE=$(QUARTZ_PORT=$QUARTZ_PORT ./scripts/relay.sh SessionCreate) if [ -z "$EXECUTE_CREATE" ]; then print_error "Failed to execute SessionCreate on enclave" fi print_success "SessionCreate execution successful" print_message $BLUE "Submitting SessionCreate to contract..." RES=$($CMD tx wasm execute "$CONTRACT" "$EXECUTE_CREATE" --from "$USER_ADDR" $TXFLAG --keyring-backend "test" --keyring-dir "$WASMD_HOME" -y --output json) TX_HASH=$(echo "$RES" | jq -r '.txhash') if [ -z "$TX_HASH" ] || [ "$TX_HASH" == "null" ]; then print_error "Failed to retrieve transaction hash" fi print_message $CYAN "Transaction hash: $TX_HASH" print_waiting "Waiting for transaction to be included in a block..." ATTEMPTS=0 MAX_ATTEMPTS=30 while [ $ATTEMPTS -lt $MAX_ATTEMPTS ]; do TX_RESULT=$($CMD query tx "$TX_HASH" --output json 2>/dev/null || echo '{"code": 1}') TX_CODE=$(echo "$TX_RESULT" | jq -r '.code // .tx_result.code // 1') if [[ $TX_CODE == "0" ]]; then print_success "Transaction processed successfully." break elif [[ $TX_CODE != "1" ]]; then print_error "Error processing transaction. Code: $TX_CODE" fi print_waiting "Transaction not yet processed. Waiting... (Attempt $((ATTEMPTS+1))/$MAX_ATTEMPTS)" sleep 2 ATTEMPTS=$((ATTEMPTS+1)) done if [ $ATTEMPTS -eq $MAX_ATTEMPTS ]; then print_error "Failed to retrieve transaction after $MAX_ATTEMPTS attempts." fi print_success "Handshake process completed" update_progress $((++CURRENT_STEP)) $TOTAL_STEPS print_header "Setting Session PK" cd $ROOT/utils/tm-prover export PROOF_FILE="light-client-proof.json" rm -f "$PROOF_FILE" print_message $BLUE "Removed old $PROOF_FILE" # print_waiting "Waiting for new blocks to be produced..." print_waiting "Waiting for transaction to be included in a block..." ATTEMPTS=0 MAX_ATTEMPTS=30 while [ $ATTEMPTS -lt $MAX_ATTEMPTS ]; do TX_RESULT=$($CMD query tx "$TX_HASH" --output json 2>/dev/null || echo '{"code": 1}') TX_CODE=$(echo "$TX_RESULT" | jq -r '.code // .tx_result.code // 1') if [[ $TX_CODE == "0" ]]; then print_success "Transaction processed successfully." break elif [[ $TX_CODE != "1" ]]; then print_error "Error processing transaction. Code: $TX_CODE" fi print_waiting "Transaction not yet processed. Waiting... (Attempt $((ATTEMPTS+1))/$MAX_ATTEMPTS)" sleep 2 ATTEMPTS=$((ATTEMPTS+1)) done print_success "Required blocks produced. Proceeding with tm-prover..." cd "$ROOT/apps/transfers" export TRUSTED_HASH=$(cat trusted.hash) export TRUSTED_HEIGHT=$(cat trusted.height) print_message $CYAN "Trusted hash: $TRUSTED_HASH" print_message $CYAN "Trusted height: $TRUSTED_HEIGHT" cd $ROOT/utils/tm-prover export QUARTZ_SESSION=$($CMD query wasm contract-state raw $CONTRACT $(echo -n "quartz_session" | xxd -p -c 20) --node "http://$NODE_URL") print_message $CYAN "Quartz Session before prover: $QUARTZ_SESSION" export PROOF_FILE="light-client-proof.json" if [ -f "$PROOF_FILE" ]; then rm "$PROOF_FILE" print_message $BLUE "Removed old $PROOF_FILE" fi print_message $BLUE "Running prover to get light client proof..." cargo run -- --chain-id test-1 \ --primary "http://$NODE_URL" \ --witnesses "http://$NODE_URL" \ --trusted-height $TRUSTED_HEIGHT \ --trusted-hash $TRUSTED_HASH \ --contract-address $CONTRACT \ --storage-key "quartz_session" \ --trace-file $PROOF_FILE > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then print_success "Light client proof generated successfully" else print_error "Failed to generate light client proof" fi export POP=$(cat $PROOF_FILE) export POP_MSG=$(jq -nc --arg message "$POP" '$ARGS.named') update_progress $((++CURRENT_STEP)) $TOTAL_STEPS print_header "Executing SessionSetPubKey on Enclave" cd $ROOT/relayer export EXECUTE_SETPUB=$(QUARTZ_PORT=$QUARTZ_PORT ./scripts/relay.sh SessionSetPubKey "$POP_MSG") RES=$($CMD tx wasm execute "$CONTRACT" "$EXECUTE_SETPUB" --from "$USER_ADDR" $TXFLAG --keyring-backend "test" --keyring-dir "$WASMD_HOME" -y --output json) TX_HASH=$(echo $RES | jq -r '.txhash') if [ -z "$TX_HASH" ] || [ "$TX_HASH" == "null" ]; then print_error "Failed to retrieve transaction hash" fi print_message $CYAN "Transaction hash: $TX_HASH" print_waiting "Waiting for transaction to commit..." ATTEMPTS=0 MAX_ATTEMPTS=30 while [ $ATTEMPTS -lt $MAX_ATTEMPTS ]; do if $CMD query tx "$TX_HASH" &> /dev/null; then print_success "Transaction committed successfully" break fi print_waiting "Waiting for tx (Attempt $((ATTEMPTS+1))/$MAX_ATTEMPTS)" sleep 2 ATTEMPTS=$((ATTEMPTS+1)) done if [ $ATTEMPTS -eq $MAX_ATTEMPTS ]; then print_error "Transaction failed to commit after $MAX_ATTEMPTS attempts" fi update_progress $((++CURRENT_STEP)) $TOTAL_STEPS print_header "Checking Session Success" export NONCE_AND_KEY=$($CMD query wasm contract-state raw "$CONTRACT" $(printf '%s' "quartz_session" | hexdump -ve '/1 "%02X"') -o json | jq -r .data | base64 -d) # echo $NONCE_AND_KEY export PUBKEY=$(echo $NONCE_AND_KEY | jq -r .pub_key) update_progress $TOTAL_STEPS $TOTAL_STEPS print_header "Deployment Summary" print_success "Deployment and handshake completed successfully!" echo -e "${CYAN}${BOLD}" echo "📌 Contract Details:" echo " • Address: ${CONTRACT}" echo " • Code ID: ${CODE_ID}" echo " • Label: ${LABEL}" echo " • Chain ID: ${CHAIN_ID}" echo echo "🔑 Contract Key Information:" echo " • Public Key: ${PUBKEY}" echo echo "🌐 Network Information:" echo " • Node URL: ${NODE_URL}" echo " • Quartz Port: ${QUARTZ_PORT}" echo echo "👤 User Information:" echo " • Address: ${USER_ADDR}" echo " • Keyring Backend: test" echo " • Keyring Directory: /home/peppi/.neutrond/" echo echo "🔧 Additional Settings:" echo " • Gas Prices: 0.0025untrn" echo " • Gas Adjustment: 1.3" echo -e "${NC}" # ASCII art logo for QUARTZ cat << "EOF" ██████ ██ ██ █████ ██████ ████████ ███████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ███████ ██████ ██ ███████ ██ ▄▄ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██████ ██████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ███████ ▀▀ POWERED BY INFORMAL.SYSTEMMS EOF print_message $MAGENTA "We hope you'll enjoy developing Quartz Apps!"