#!/bin/bash # Color definitions RED='\033[0;31m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' YELLOW='\033[1;33m' BLUE='\033[0;34m' MAGENTA='\033[0;35m' CYAN='\033[0;36m' BOLD='\033[1m' NC='\033[0m' # No Color # Function to print colored and formatted messages print_message() { local color=$1 local message=$2 echo -e "${color}${BOLD}${message}${NC}" } # Function to print section headers print_header() { local message=$1 echo -e "\n${MAGENTA}${BOLD}======== $message ========${NC}\n" } # Function to print success messages print_success() { local message=$1 echo -e "${GREEN}${BOLD}✅ $message${NC}" } # Function to print error messages print_error() { local message=$1 echo -e "${RED}${BOLD}❌ Error: $message${NC}" >&2 } # Set up variables ROOT=${ROOT:-$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)} DIR_QUARTZ_APP="$ROOT/apps/transfers" DIR_QUARTZ_ENCLAVE="$DIR_QUARTZ_APP/enclave" DIR_QUARTZ_TM_PROVER="$ROOT/utils/tm-prover" NODE_URL=${NODE_URL:-} CMD="neutrond --node http://$NODE_URL" QUARTZ_PORT="${QUARTZ_PORT:-11090}" print_header "Quartz Setup and Launch" print_message $CYAN "QUARTZ_PORT is set to: $QUARTZ_PORT" print_message $BLUE "Setting trusted hash and height" CHAIN_STATUS=$($CMD status) TRUSTED_HASH=$(echo "$CHAIN_STATUS" | jq -r .sync_info.latest_block_hash) TRUSTED_HEIGHT=$(echo "$CHAIN_STATUS" | jq -r .sync_info.latest_block_height) print_message $YELLOW "Trusted Hash: $TRUSTED_HASH" print_message $YELLOW "Trusted Height: $TRUSTED_HEIGHT" cd "$DIR_QUARTZ_APP" echo "$TRUSTED_HASH" > trusted.hash echo "$TRUSTED_HEIGHT" > trusted.height print_success "Trusted hash and height saved" if [ -n "$MOCK_SGX" ]; then print_header "Running in MOCK_SGX mode" cd $DIR_QUARTZ_ENCLAVE print_message $BLUE "Running enclave without Gramine..." ./target/release/quartz-app-transfers-enclave --chain-id "test-1" --trusted-height "$TRUSTED_HEIGHT" --trusted-hash "$TRUSTED_HASH" exit fi print_header "Configuring Gramine" cd "$DIR_QUARTZ_ENCLAVE" print_message $BLUE "Generating private key (if it doesn't exist)" gramine-sgx-gen-private-key > /dev/null 2>&1 || : print_message $BLUE "Creating manifest" gramine-manifest \ -Dlog_level="error" \ -Dhome="$HOME" \ -Darch_libdir="/lib/$(gcc -dumpmachine)" \ -Dra_type="epid" \ -Dra_client_spid="51CAF5A48B450D624AEFE3286D314894" \ -Dra_client_linkable=1 \ -Dquartz_dir="$(pwd)" \ -Dtrusted_height="$TRUSTED_HEIGHT" \ -Dtrusted_hash="$TRUSTED_HASH" \ -Dgramine_port="$QUARTZ_PORT" \ quartz.manifest.template quartz.manifest print_message $BLUE "Signing manifest" gramine-sgx-sign --manifest quartz.manifest --output quartz.manifest.sgx print_header "Starting Gramine" print_message $GREEN "Running Quartz with Gramine-SGX..." gramine-sgx ./quartz