OVERDRAFT=wasm1huhuswjxfydydxvdadqqsaet2p72wshtmr72yzx09zxncxtndf2sqs24hk CMD='wasmd --node http://$NODE_URL' # users ALICE=wasm124tuy67a9dcvfgcr4gjmz60syd8ddaugl33v0n BOB=wasm1ctkqmg45u85jnf5ur9796h7ze4hj6ep5y7m7l6 # query alice $CMD query wasm contract-state smart $OVERDRAFT '{"balance": {"user": "'$ALICE'"}}' # query bob $CMD query wasm contract-state smart $OVERDRAFT '{"balance": {"user": "'$BOB'"}}' # make obligation from alice to bob for 10 # $CMD tx wasm execute $CONTRACT '{"submit_obligation_msg": {"ciphertext": "", "digest": ""}}' --from $CONTRACT --chain-id testing # make bob acceptance to overdraft for 10 # make alice tender from overdraft for 10 # init clearing $CMD tx wasm execute $CONTRACT '"init_clearing"' --from $CONTRACT --chain-id testing # wait for 2 sec sleep 2 # query alice $CMD query wasm contract-state smart $OVERDRAFT '{"balance": {"user": "'$ALICE'"}}' # query bob $CMD query wasm contract-state smart $OVERDRAFT '{"balance": {"user": "'$BOB'"}}'