#!/bin/bash #set -eo pipefail ROOT=${ROOT:-$HOME} DIR_QUARTZ="$ROOT/cycles-protocol" DIR_QUARTZ_APP="$DIR_QUARTZ/quartz-app/" DIR_QUARTZ_ENCLAVE="$DIR_QUARTZ/quartz-app/enclave" DIR_QUARTZ_TM_PROVER="$DIR_QUARTZ/packages/tm-prover" NODE_URL=${NODE_URL:-} CMD="wasmd --node http://$NODE_URL" echo "--------------------------------------------------------" echo "set trusted hash" cd "$DIR_QUARTZ_TM_PROVER" # cargo run -- --chain-id testing \ # --primary "http://$NODE_URL" \ # --witnesses "http://$NODE_URL" \ # --trusted-height 1 \ # --trusted-hash "5237772462A41C0296ED688A0327B8A60DF310F08997AD760EB74A70D0176C27" \ # --contract-address "wasm14hj2tavq8fpesdwxxcu44rty3hh90vhujrvcmstl4zr3txmfvw9s0phg4d" \ # --storage-key "quartz_session" \ # --trace-file light-client-proof.json &> $DIR_QUARTZ_APP/output # # Debug output of cargo run # echo "Cargo run output:" # cat $DIR_QUARTZ_APP/output # cd $DIR_QUARTZ_APP # # Debug hash extraction # echo "Attempting to extract trusted hash from output..." # cat output | grep found | head -1 | awk '{print $NF}' | sed 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m//g' > trusted.hash # # Check if the hash was extracted correctly # if [[ ! -s trusted.hash ]]; then # echo "Failed to extract trusted hash from output" # exit 1 # fi # export TRUSTED_HASH=$(cat trusted.hash) # echo "Extracted TRUSTED_HASH: $TRUSTED_HASH" # rm output CHAIN_STATUS=$($CMD status) TRUSTED_HASH=$(echo "$CHAIN_STATUS" | jq -r .SyncInfo.latest_block_hash) TRUSTED_HEIGHT=$(echo "$CHAIN_STATUS" | jq -r .SyncInfo.latest_block_height) echo "... $TRUSTED_HASH" cd "$DIR_QUARTZ_APP" echo "$TRUSTED_HASH" > trusted.hash echo "$TRUSTED_HEIGHT" > trusted.height echo "--------------------------------------------------------" echo "configure gramine" cd "$DIR_QUARTZ_ENCLAVE" echo "... gen priv key if it doesnt exist" gramine-sgx-gen-private-key > /dev/null 2>&1 || : # may fail # echo "... update manifest template with trusted hash $TRUSTED_HASH" # sed -i -r "s/(\"--trusted-hash\", \")[A-Z0-9]+(\"])/\1$TRUSTED_HASH\2/" quartz.manifest.template echo "... create manifest" gramine-manifest \ -Dlog_level="error" \ -Dhome="$HOME" \ -Darch_libdir="/lib/$(gcc -dumpmachine)" \ -Dra_type="epid" \ -Dra_client_spid="51CAF5A48B450D624AEFE3286D314894" \ -Dra_client_linkable=1 \ -Dquartz_dir="$(pwd)" \ -Dtrusted_height="$TRUSTED_HEIGHT" \ -Dtrusted_hash="$TRUSTED_HASH" \ quartz.manifest.template quartz.manifest if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "gramine-manifest failed" exit 1 fi echo "... sign manifest" gramine-sgx-sign --manifest quartz.manifest --output quartz.manifest.sgx if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "gramine-sgx-sign failed" exit 1 fi echo "--------------------------------------------------------" echo "... start gramine" gramine-sgx ./quartz if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "gramine-sgx failed to start" exit 1 fi