#![doc = include_str!("../README.md")] #![forbid(unsafe_code)] #![warn( clippy::checked_conversions, clippy::panic, clippy::panic_in_result_fn, clippy::unwrap_used, missing_docs, trivial_casts, trivial_numeric_casts, rust_2018_idioms, unused_lifetimes, unused_import_braces, unused_qualifications )] use std::error::Error; use clap::{Parser, Subcommand}; use cosmrs::AccountId; use tendermint_rpc::{client::HttpClient as TmRpcClient, Client, HttpClientUrl}; #[derive(Debug, Parser)] #[command(author, version, about, long_about = None)] struct Cli { /// Main command #[command(subcommand)] command: Command, } #[derive(Debug, Subcommand)] enum Command { /// Retrieve a merkle-proof for CosmWasm state CwQueryProofs { #[clap(long, default_value = "")] rpc_url: HttpClientUrl, /// Address of the CosmWasm contract #[clap(long)] contract_address: AccountId, /// Storage key of the state item for which proofs must be retrieved #[clap(long)] storage_key: String, }, } const WASM_STORE_KEY: &str = "/store/wasm/key"; const CONTRACT_STORE_PREFIX: u8 = 0x03; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { let args = Cli::parse(); match args.command { Command::CwQueryProofs { rpc_url, contract_address, storage_key, } => { let path = WASM_STORE_KEY.to_owned(); let data = { let mut data = vec![CONTRACT_STORE_PREFIX]; data.append(&mut contract_address.to_bytes()); data.append(&mut storage_key.into_bytes()); data }; let client = TmRpcClient::builder(rpc_url).build()?; let latest_height = client.status().await?.sync_info.latest_block_height; let result = client .abci_query(Some(path), data, Some(latest_height), true) .await?; println!( "{}", serde_json::to_string(&result).expect("infallible serializer") ); } }; Ok(()) }