# CosmWasm Binaries: Install and Configure Quartz expects to interact with a CosmWasm-based blockchain. The default/archetypal binary is `wasmd`. We also use `neutrond` for the testnet. Here we describe how to get setup from scratch or how to use an existing wasmd binary/network you have access to. - [Install](#install) - [Configure from scratch](#configure-from-scratch) - [Configure existing](#configure-existing) ## Install To build from source, first make sure you have Go installed. Then for `wasmd`: ```bash git clone https://github.com/cosmwasm/wasmd/ cd wasmd git checkout v0.45.0 go install ./cmd/wasmd ``` Or for `neutrond`: ```bash git clone -b main https://github.com/neutron-org/neutron.git cd neutron git checkout v4.0.0 make install ``` ## Configure From Scratch We have to initialize a new chain and load it with some accounts. We'll assume you're using `wasmd` but it could be `neutrond` or any other. We also have to give the chain a chain ID. We'll use `testing`. Run ```bash wasmd init --chain-id testing ``` to initialize the local wasmd folder. Now open the file `~/.wasmd/config/client.toml` and change the field `keyring-backend` from `os` to `test`: ```toml keyring-backend = "test" ``` Now, finally, we can create a local admin key for your wasmd. You'll use this to deploy contracts: ```bash wasmd keys add admin ``` This should output a wasm address. Now create the genesis file. ```bash # generate a second key for the validator wasmd keys add validator # fund both accounts in genesis wasmd genesis add-genesis-account admin 100000000000stake,100000000000ucosm wasmd genesis add-genesis-account validator 100000000000stake,100000000000ucosm # sign genesis tx from validator and compose genesis wasmd genesis gentx validator 100000000stake --chain-id testing wasmd genesis collect-gentxs ``` Before finally starting the node, for it to work with the front end, you need to configure CORS. ### Configure CORS In `~/.wasmd/config/config.toml`, you'll need to make sure the listen address binds to the public IP ( and the CORS allows all origins: ```toml [rpc] laddr = "tcp://" cors_allowed_origins = ["*"] ``` And in `~/.wasmd/config/app.toml`: ```toml [api] enable = true address = "tcp://" enabled-unsafe-cors = true ``` Now, finally: ## wasmd start ```bash wasmd start ``` And you should have a chain making blocks! You can also reduce the block time by lowering `timeout_commit` in `~/.wasmd/config/config.toml`. Now that you have the chain running, you can start running the enclave and proxy in other windows. Return to the [getting started guide](/docs/getting_started.md#installation) ## Configure Existing If you want to join an existing testnet you either need to setup a node and sync that testnet or find a node to use. You'll also need to setup an account and get it funded. Assuming you're using the Neutron testnet, create a new account called `admin`: ```bash neutron keys add admin ``` Now use a faucet or send this address to someone who can give you funds on the tesnet. If you have funds yourself you can simply transfer them: ```bash neutrond tx bank send --chain-id testing -y ``` One your `admin` account is funded on the network, return to the [getting started guide](/docs/getting_started.md#installation)