ARG WASMD_VERSION=v0.44.0 FROM cosmwasm/wasmd:${WASMD_VERSION} # Modify the script to handle the specific error # Increase the amount of ucosm given to accounts # Modify the script to change the keyring-backend right after wasmd init RUN <\&1 | grep -qE "^- name: validator$"; then' /opt/ sed -i '/wasmd init/a sed -i '"'"'s/keyring-backend = "os"/keyring-backend = "test"/g'"'"' /root/.wasmd/config/client.toml' /opt/ sed -i 's/1000000000/12000000000000/g' /opt/ EOF # Set up wasmd. The account numbers correspond to those in the ./accounts/ # folder. RUN /opt/ \ wasm1mkrm9m8g0dzv5z73xg8yzlj6srqc72qru5xfv3 \ wasm19azg82cx3qx88gar8nl08rz7x0p27amtmadfep \ wasm1adcnk7lt6qst7p5d0g5607e28k77um7nxwxuqy \ wasm1jn34x50hy3my0a2mxwcx8fttgfxu2n5gpvu0ty # Import the accounts' private keys into the image such that they can be used to # initiate transactions from within the container. COPY accounts /tmp/accounts RUN <