FROM rust:1.80-alpine AS build ARG CARGO_FLAGS="" # By default we assume that there is an "enclave" directory in the root of the # Quartz app that contains the enclave's code. ARG ENCLAVE_DIR="enclave" COPY . /opt/src WORKDIR /opt/src # TODO: Remove once the Quartz dependencies are open-sourced RUN apk update && \ apk add --no-cache git openssh && \ mkdir -m 0700 /root/.ssh && \ cp .secrets/* /root/.ssh/ && \ chmod 0600 /root/.ssh/* && \ chmod 0644 /root/.ssh/*.pub && \ ssh-keyscan >> /root/.ssh/known_hosts # System dependencies for building our binary RUN apk update && \ apk add --no-cache build-base protobuf-dev RUN cd /opt/src/${ENCLAVE_DIR} && \ CARGO_TARGET_DIR=./target cargo build --release ${CARGO_FLAGS} # TODO: Remove once the Quartz dependencies are open-sourced RUN rm -rf /root/.ssh/ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FROM gramineproject/gramine:1.7-jammy ARG ENCLAVE_DIR="enclave" # By default we assume that the enclave binary's name is just "enclave". ARG ENCLAVE_BIN="enclave" ARG TRUSTED_HEIGHT ARG TRUSTED_HASH RUN apt update && \ apt install -y build-essential # Copy the enclave binary we built in the previous stage COPY --from=build /opt/src/${ENCLAVE_DIR}/target/release/${ENCLAVE_BIN} /opt/enclave/bin/enclave COPY --from=build /opt/src/${ENCLAVE_DIR}/quartz.manifest.template /opt/enclave/ WORKDIR /opt/enclave # TODO - update entire file to use DCAP, not EPID RUN gramine-sgx-gen-private-key > /dev/null 2>&1 && \ gramine-manifest \ -Dlog_level="error" \ -Dhome="/opt/enclave" \ -Denclave_dir="/opt/enclave" \ -Denclave_executable="/opt/enclave/bin/enclave" \ -Darch_libdir="/lib/$(gcc -dumpmachine)" \ -Dra_type="epid" \ -Dra_client_linkable=1 \ -Dtrusted_height="${TRUSTED_HEIGHT}" \ -Dtrusted_hash="${TRUSTED_HASH}" \ -Dgramine_port=11090 \ quartz.manifest.template quartz.manifest && \ gramine-sgx-sign --manifest quartz.manifest --output quartz.manifest.sgx CMD ["/ && gramine-sgx ./quartz"]