diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
deleted file mode 100644
index 4012028..0000000
--- a/Dockerfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-FROM gramineproject/gramine:v1.5
-RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y jq build-essential
-WORKDIR /workdir
-RUN curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | bash -s -- -y
-ENV PATH="/root/.cargo/bin:${PATH}"
-RUN rustup toolchain install 1.72.0
-RUN gramine-sgx-gen-private-key
-# This should be associated with an acive IAS SPID in order for
-# gramine tools like gramine-sgx-ias-request and gramine-sgx-ias-verify
-ENV RA_CLIENT_SPID=51CAF5A48B450D624AEFE3286D314894
-# Copy the mtcs directory and build
-COPY mtcs ./mtcs
-WORKDIR /workdir/mtcs
-RUN cargo build --release
-WORKDIR /workdir
-COPY mtcs.manifest.template ./
-COPY data/micro-set-offs.csv mtcs/data
-# Make and sign the gramine manifest
-RUN gramine-manifest -Dlog_level="error" -Dhome=${HOME} -Darch_libdir="/lib/$(gcc -dumpmachine)" -Dmtcs_dir="$(pwd)/mtcs" -Dtestname="micro-set-offs" mtcs.manifest.template mtcs.manifest
-RUN gramine-sgx-sign --manifest mtcs.manifest --output mtcs.manifest.sgx
-CMD [ "gramine-sgx-sigstruct-view mtcs.sig" ]
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 63c2b44..5ac0946 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,40 +1,10 @@
-## Gramine experiments using MTCS
+# tee-mtcs
-This is a Dockerfile for replaying the mtcs experiment in gramine, starting from the manifest file from https://github.com/informalsystems/cofi-private/issues/104
-The starting point for the Dockerfile is the Gramine-based from Revm Relay hackathon. https://github.com/amiller/gramine-sgx-revm/
+Collection of tools and utilities to help run MTCS on TEEs.
-The point of this is to emphasize the verification process that can be completed even without SGX, by reproducing the MRENCLAVE and inspecting remote attestation quotes.
+## Enclaves
-## Init the git submodules
+Gramine applications and accompanying Dockerfiles for ease-of-usage.
-This repo references mtcs as a submodule, but the Dockerfile simply copies mtcs from the current directory.
-So don't forget to have git apply the submodules when cloning the repo
-git submodule update --init --recursive
-## Replicating the MRENCLAVE build (no SGX required
-The following will build mtcs, then freeze all dependencies from the docker environment into the gramine manifest, and finally display the resulting MRENCLAVE
-docker build . --tag mtcs
-docker run mtcs
-Let's see how long this remains reproducible:
-     mr_enclave: fa9149158c693b09e83480b48c2e7344c941aadca6d5829834f2af9f2690435e
-## Execution on an SGX machine
-This is tested on a local SGX machine, not Azure
-docker run -it --device /dev/sgx_enclave \
-       -v /var/run/aesmd/aesm.socket:/var/run/aesmd/aesm.socket \
-       -v ./data:/workdir/data \
-       mtcs bash
-gramine-sgx ./mtcs
-cat mtcs/data/micro-set-offs.out
\ No newline at end of file
+* [enclaves/mtcs](enclaves/mtcs) - Runs MTCS on a given set of obligations specified as an input file.
+* [enclaves/tm](enclaves/tm) - Runs (stateless) Tendermint light client verification on a given block.
diff --git a/data/micro-set-offs.csv b/data/micro-set-offs.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index e0274cc..0000000
--- a/data/micro-set-offs.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/mtcs b/mtcs
deleted file mode 160000
index 3f13e5c..0000000
--- a/mtcs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit 3f13e5c0fd0623a9dc7f4b4227be4678fa947531
diff --git a/mtcs.manifest.template b/mtcs.manifest.template
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bbf5a1..0000000
--- a/mtcs.manifest.template
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# MTCS manifest file example
-loader.entrypoint = "file:{{ gramine.libos }}"
-libos.entrypoint = "{{ mtcs_dir }}/target/release/mtcs-cli"
-loader.log_level = "{{ log_level }}"
-loader.env.LD_LIBRARY_PATH = "/lib:{{ arch_libdir }}:/usr/{{ arch_libdir }}"
-loader.env.HOME = "{{ home }}"
-loader.argv = ["-v", "-i", "{{ mtcs_dir }}/data/{{ testname }}.csv", "-o", "{{ mtcs_dir }}/data/{{ testname }}.out"]
-fs.mounts = [
-  { uri = "file:{{ gramine.runtimedir() }}", path = "/lib" },
-  { uri = "file:{{ arch_libdir }}", path = "{{ arch_libdir }}" },
-  { uri = "file:/usr/{{ arch_libdir }}", path = "/usr{{ arch_libdir }}" },
-  { uri = "file:{{ mtcs_dir }}", path = "{{ mtcs_dir }}" },
-sgx.enclave_size = "512M"
-sgx.max_threads = 4
-sgx.edmm_enable = {{ 'true' if env.get('EDMM', '0') == '1' else 'false' }}
-sgx.trusted_files = [
-  "file:{{ gramine.libos }}",
-  "file:{{ mtcs_dir }}/target/release/mtcs-cli",
-  "file:{{ mtcs_dir }}/data/{{ testname }}.csv",
-  "file:{{ gramine.runtimedir() }}/",
-  "file:{{ arch_libdir }}/",
-  "file:/usr/{{ arch_libdir }}/",
-sgx.allowed_files = [
-  "file:{{ mtcs_dir }}/data/{{ testname }}.out",